Wednesday, April 9, 2008

my final work + process

The couple: What tools i have used for the couple?
firstly, i use pen tool to draw the couple. Then i use warp tool to modify the shape. After fill in the colour, i group them.
The street light: The tools that i used are pen tool and wrap tool. For the street light, i put more
effort on the light of the bulb with the transparency and the gradient. Slowly
adjust them until the light look like spread to focus the couple. For the light, i
had make it into blur form.
The branch: I use pen tool to draw the branch. I also make the effect of shadow.
The flowers: I use pen tool to draw the flower. After that, i copy paste them into another five
flowers. Then i used selection tool and rotate tool to resize and re-adjust the
direction of the flower.
The words: I used type tool for all the words. Then i used stroke to darker them, so that they
more obviously. I also used the style to make them into wave or flag shape.

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